Authors of the project provide the possibility to have a look at certain historical turning points our society had to overcome during the years of the Grand Prince’s ruling. The “Choose your history!” project by the Foundation of Saint Andrew the First-Called gives the virtual opportunity to feel how difficult it is to make decisions that are going to define how the country will be developing for the centuries to come.
In April and May on a weekly basis the Foundation’s social media pages will offer the game’s case studies based on real events where representatives of different political groups of that historical period (including the Golden Horde, the Novgorod Republic, the Pope, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Byzantine Empire and others) will offer Alexander to join the alliance.
Votes of social media users will show which solutions the compatriots believe are preferable after all these centuries behind.
The educational project titled “Choose your history” was launched by the Foundation of Saint Andrew the First-Called
The Foundation of Saint Andrew the First-Called (the major partner of “Istoki” Fund) is launching a new educational project in the year of 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky.