Supported areas

The family institution in Russia undergoes a crisis following big amount of divorces, social orphanage, domestic violence, reluctance of young people to get married and have a family, ignoring the risks in reproductive health. All of these lead to deteriorating of the demographic situation in the country. We embrace the idea that the main method to overcome the crisis is to provide comprehensive support for a family-based way of life, to create the certain image of a family in the Russian society when there are both parents and three and more children as a social norm.

In order to follow the mission of strengthening the fundamentals of the Russian society and providing support for the basic institutions, Endowment Fund “ISTOKI” uses the returns on the endowment management to finance a number of scientific and educational programs of great significance for the society. Special attention is paid to the support provided for young scientists and cutting-edge solutions.

In order to ensure the successful and steady development the Russian society has to overcome the credibility gap and solidarity crisis, poor level of public self-organization, mutual support and involvement of Russia’s citizens into the matters of solving current social issues.

The programs the Fund provides support for foster the self-organization of the society, optimize the efforts of civic activists, professional communities, local authorities and businesses for social, humanitarian and cultural development of the Russian territories, along with facilitation of public interest in examples of devoted social service and developing of volunteering.

The problem of present-day Russian society is related to the identity crisis: when the collective consciousness experiences a lack of constructive balance between historical succession and openness towards the future, between the spiritual and the secular, and between traditions and innovations.