At the end of the year the Forum of the All-Russian Programme “Sanctity of Motherhood” is held to coincide with the Mother’s Day. The Forum unites different public initiatives and…
Since 2010 four Forums of the Programme were held in Moscow. Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan.
The recommendations of the Forums were taken into consideration when the Concept of the state family policy for the period up to the year 2025 was formed.
The first Forum of the Programme was held in 2010 in Moscow. It united over 1000 participants from 50 regions of Russia, CIS countries and beyond. The provisions of the Forum’s resolution were reflected in the Federal Law “About the grounds of protection of health of citizens in the Russian Federation” and Federal Law “About the main guarantees of a child’s rights in the Russian Federation”. Certain sections of the Forum’s resolution became part of the request of President of the RF to government of the RF about establishing the centres of medical and social help.
II Forum was organized in 2012 in Nizhny Novgorod and gathered over 500 participants from over 45 regions of Russia. The Forum’s Memorandum reflects the proposals regarding improvement of concept-based and legal grounds and institutional base for development of the family policy; development of the public sector on realization of the family policy; informational support for family policy; in the field of education, youth policy, social support for families with children and large families, protection of a life of an unborn child.
III Forum was held in 2013 in Moscow. It united over 400 participants from 60 regions of Russia and 6 foreign countries (Greece, Italy, China, USA, Ukraine and Belorussia). The task of the Forum was to develop proposals on formation of family-oriented information policy aimed at support for modern Russian family and the assertion of traditional family values in the information space.
In 2014 the International Forum “Large Family and the Future of Humanity” was held in Moscow. The Forum’s activity was dedicated to discussions of family-oriented initiatives in different fields of the society, as well as to understanding social, economic, cultural, spiritual and moral conditions for a family’s existence in the modern world. The Forum hosted over 1500 people from 45 countries of the world.
IV Forum was held in November 2015 in Kazan. The theme of the Forum was “Centuries-long family traditions as the foundation for the future of Russia”. The Forum was dedicated to the ways to preserve and support the succession of spiritual and moral traditions of family life as the task of primary importance for development of the future of the Russian civilization.