Starting from April 13, within the framework of the project “You can help at a distance”, online meetings are held between volunteers and children from the Pervomaisky special school for children with mental disabilities in the Kostroma region. The project is implemented jointly by the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, with the financial support of the Istoki Endowment Fund, the Intercollegiate Volunteer Center “Closest people” and the independent voluntary initiative “Singing therapists”. The remote support for children and adults going through a period of increased social isolation is the main goal of the initiative.
Volunteers and children communicate on a variety of topics, sing songs together, draw, read poetry, compose fairy tales and even dance. The regularity of such meetings allows to make communication more trusting and deeper, volunteers and children already know each other and enjoy each new meeting.
For cooperation with the project “You can help at a distance”, please contact the project manager Pavel Fedosov: +7 (916) 5429686,,
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